LOCATION: Louisiana
EGGPLANT QUOTE: only of interest to theologians
COMMENTS: "Me and my partner Mark were visiting our friend Eric in Providence, Rhode Island this past winter and we happened in a very cute funky arty store whose name I've already forgotten, although, if pressed, Eric would probably remember it, since he lives there.
"Anyway, in that shop, there was something that looked like a converted old cigarette machine just like I've seen in the gift shop at the Whitney Museum of American Art, and I thought and said to Mark and Eric, 'Hey, you never know what you'll get with these, but I want to try this!'
"So I bought a token from the saleperson and I bought this eggplant, but I'm just now getting around to photographing myself with it. I'm pretty proud of being about to get it close enough to my cellphone camera so that you can read it, and so it almost looks like my head is the same size as it is.
"Back when I was an art student I did a little art exhibit of mail art and really enjoyed when random people sent things in, so this really has captured my imagination. I haven't gone onto your site yet, but I'm going to wait a couple of days and see if this makes it up there.
"Oh. Funny little coincidences -- you're an ordained minister, and my dad is, too (United Methodist, in case you're curious); you're an artist, and so am I."
WEBSITE: www.generalaesthetic.com
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